Friday, September 17, 2010

How does the ingenious sims work on window XP?

i tried to install the resourceful first sims on my pc ending night and it wouldn't run to install why is this, i've notice this for alot of my other games aswell which is annoying, can you help ?, thank you

How does the ingenious sims work on window XP?

Not guaranteeing anything beside this answer, as games are funny......

Find the execute command, not the short-cut on either your desktop or your start menu... Go to the Program Files directory. Find Maxis and interested that folder.... Find the execute file or the profile that the shortcuts lead to and right click on it.. the property sheet will appear beside three tabs upon it... Go to the furthest right tab, Compatibility.... click Win'95 compatibility.... Apply and OK it.

Go subsidise to where you in general execute this program, execute it, and see what happens.

Best of luck!

The answers post by the user, for information lone, does not guarantee the right.

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